Starting Off

Thought I’d relaunch this blog for a longer version of some of the political ideas I mention on Twitter. Aeons ago I briefly used it for blogging my combat sports training but no one read it. So, what to expect then? I’m politically left of centre and not keen on any of the main political parties. I tend to take a sceptical view of a lot of things in the same vein as people like Ben Goldacre and Dara O’Briain, especially the “alternative” health industry, religion and the new age, and a lot of the psychobabble in things like motivational techniques and management training. The title of this blog comes from protestations that not everyone is into evangelical religion: I have no problem with other people’s religious beliefs as long as they don’t try to impose them on me.

I have another blog on Livejournal but I think it’s time to start a new one with a different audience. Whether anyone reads this one or if I keep it updated remains to be seen, but there’s only one way to find out…